May you grasp how wide, how long, how high, how deep, the love of Christ is. May you experience the love of Christ, though it is to great to truly understand. Then, you will be made complete with all the fullness of life and power that comes from God.

Sunday, August 25, 2013


Well as of today Mattie and I have been away from Tyler, Nora, and Alec for 20 days!!!
That is a long time for us as a family to be apart, This last year living overseas as a family definitely brought us closer together we had only each other to depend on. As I move Mattie into her dorm I feel very torn wanting to go home to Malaysia and also wanting to not leave Mattie, Its very bittersweet.  We wait half our lives for our children to grow up and make a life of their own, so why is it so hard when it actually happens? I will start my journey home on Friday to be with my family and leave Mattie to open her wings and fly. My prayer for her is to show this world what a strong,faith filled young woman she is and never let anyone tell you, you cant do something because with Christ all things are possible. Always remember what daddy says theres nothing free in this world( you know the rest), you must work hard. To my family in Malaysia I'm coming home and cant wait for all your hugs and kisses!!!!!!!

I LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!

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