May you grasp how wide, how long, how high, how deep, the love of Christ is. May you experience the love of Christ, though it is to great to truly understand. Then, you will be made complete with all the fullness of life and power that comes from God.

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Who Should We Please?

Isn't it funny, how God will highlight one sentence - or word - that wasn’t even the basis of a actual message. Does this ever happen to you, when you’re reading the Bible? A scripture, will jump out at you like never before, and relate to some situation you may be going thru.

While  recently watching a You Tube sermon by Kyle Idelman about showing our leadership roll as Christians , he mentioned, "It's the things no one else sees that result in what everyone wants."

The prayer. The relationship. The sacrifice. The tough decisions. These formulate in secret; behind closed doors. 

But what jumped out at me EVEN MORE was what he said next: 

“We must be willing to be misunderstood on the front lines, while faithfully serving God behind the scenes.”

Not sure if those were his exact words , but it was something close.

Willing to be misunderstood.

I don't know about you, but the people-pleaser inside of me doesn't enjoy conflict. Especially when I feel misunderstood. "If they only knew my heart," I've thought. The same goes for misunderstanding someone else. I want to know the truth and have answers when something is confusing or unresolved.
Maybe you've felt that way before, too. The truth is, they won't always have every piece to every puzzle. And neither will we.
But, at the end of the day - when all is said and done - we answer to ONE. The only thing that matters is that I've loved, served and passionately pursued CHRIST. Not the onlookers, not my friends, not even my family or my Church - but Him alone.
I must be willing to not feel as though I need to please everyone around me. Christ is who I need to please and everything will follow.
I must be willing to risk being misunderstood. Surrender my own ego. Sacrifice my name on the chopping block. Whether I'm right, wrong, or somewhere in-between.

"Am I now trying to win the approval of human beings, or of God? Or am I trying to please people? If I were still trying to please people, I would not be a servant of Christ." Galatians 1:10

We can't please the whole world, but we can continuously seek the heart of God. THAT is what's required of us.
To live for an audience of one. The ONLY one. CHRIST
At this moment I am reading a book by Kyle Idelman called Not a Fan, it is one of the best books I have ever read. Check it out

Sunday, May 26, 2013

PROM 2013

Saturday night was prom for Mattie and Alec. They both looked so grown up, I can't believe how fast they are growing up !!

I can't believe Alec is that much taller than me

Alec with his date Dominique. The clarity is very bad on this picture.

Mattie and her date Andrew

The picture below is of Mattie and a friend Wade, ironically the first week of school Mattie walked into a class and there was Wade. They had both been members of the youth group in Katy at the church we went to before we were moved to Malaysia. What a small world.

And last but not least here's a picture with Bong our driver!  The kids appreciate him so much, especially since none of us drive. He is definitely like a family member! We will miss him this summer.

Stay tuned for graduation pictures !!

Sunday, May 12, 2013


How time flys! Seems like just yesterday my children were starting high school here in Malaysia. I remember all the complaining and here we are almost a year later and they all seem to have adjusted and survived.

Alec has spent his freshmen year learning how to play rugby a sport he had never played, participating in track and field, and actually traveling for track to exchange in Indonesia. French, which he has taken this year has been his most difficult study, but I believe he will succeed. Alec is shy and quiet, at least we thought so until we all saw his promposal. He has a handful of friends which is very normal for Alec; he is very picky with who he associates himself with. I believe this is a very good quality.

Nora has spent her sophomore year really blossoming into a beautiful young woman. She is very driven to be a better student and her grades and GPA reflect that. Nora also participated in track and field this year. She absolutely loves her art class and I hope she will continue with Art II next year. Nora has found many friends, and always keeps us on our toes with her humor. She has made one very close
friend that she enjoys spending time with. Thank GOD for Dakshina!

Mattie has spent her senior year counting the days until graduation! This year was a struggle as anyone knows moving your senior year is hard. The curriculum being so different at a international school really threw a spin on things, when senior year should not be so hard. Thank God for Mr. Brown and Mrs. Busaidy whose tutoring has helped her tremendously. Softball has always been a sport that Mattie loved, so when she decided to play we were very excited. The softball team traveled to Bangkok, Thailand for exchange and to Taipei, Taiwan for IASAS; what a awesome experience for her. She has made many friends from softball and this has made life a little more bearable even though the end of the year is near. We will move Mattie back this summer and she will attend UNT in the fall. Go MEAN Green!

Tyler I think has had many more struggles than any of us. He not only has had to adapt to working in a different country, but also worrying that we would transition and not be miserable. My husband is a very strong man , and I am so proud of all the things he has overcome. Our marriage and family are beyond blessed. We are looking forward to summer, we will return to the states to see family and spend some time in Florida at our favorite beach!

Above all, Love each other deeply, because Love covers over a multitude of sins.  1Peter 4:8