May you grasp how wide, how long, how high, how deep, the love of Christ is. May you experience the love of Christ, though it is to great to truly understand. Then, you will be made complete with all the fullness of life and power that comes from God.

Monday, April 1, 2013

The Rainforest

This past week the kids were out for spring break and we had not planned a trip. I decided we would do a few things around KL that we had not experienced. On the top of the list was the Canopy Walk through the Malaysian Rainforest. The Rainforest is part of the FRIM ( Forest Research Institute Malaysia). We decided to get a guide once we arrived and it was worth it.He quickly informed us he was not a scientist or botanist but would give us some history of the forest along the way. I was more interested in finding my way out of the forest as my family seemed to bravely enter with no worry. For those of you that know me I am not a outdoors kind of girl nor do I like to rough it in the wilderness.
Our walk began ..........

This was Bamboo Below

The roots of a tree below looked like a Elephant, Can you see it?

The view behind us was published in a National Geographic Magazine

This is a view looking up, the tops of the trees make a maze, looks pretty neat!

Mattie, Alec, and Nora standing in the trunk of a tree with our guide.

Okay this is the Canopy Walk, A series of different bridges suspended 30 meters in the air. ( basically ropes, ladders, and boards is how these are held together)

Yes if I could have I would have turned back but I couldn't , The look on my face explains how I felt.

After about 3 hours of Trekking  we arrived at a waterfall, it was nice and refreshing!

We had a fun day and made lots of memories I'm sure we will talk about for years to come.

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