May you grasp how wide, how long, how high, how deep, the love of Christ is. May you experience the love of Christ, though it is to great to truly understand. Then, you will be made complete with all the fullness of life and power that comes from God.

Wednesday, February 13, 2013


I am writing this blog for Alec! Since we have left the states fast food often seems a memory. We do not eat fast food here in Malaysia. Yes there are fast food restaurants, the menus are very different. For example chicken, chicken, and more chicken right down to the breakfast sausage at McDonald's being chicken. I must not forget the beef bacon, have you ever heard of bacon made of beef? That's down rite Un- American! Ha Oh, did I mention they do not sell biscuits here nor do they have any comprehension of what they are.  Alec has the hardest time with this I guess, because Yes, we did visit chick- fil- a at least once a day when we lived in Katy, among many other fast food restaurants. You could call us fast food junkies. Alec has even had Chick-fil-a sauce mailed to him. This seems a little extreme, but again we find ourselves missing things that we very much took for granted. Alec is also convinced that if a Chick-fil-a was to open here in Malaysia that it would do awesome because it is their favorite food Chicken.
On a brighter note we have a healthier diet, and with the help of a trainer we workout daily.
Since the girls have introduced me to pinterest I find myself actually enjoying cooking, Something I never thought possible. I have discovered that all of the chick-fil-a recipes can be found on pinterest. On Sunday night we had Chick-fil-a Night. This was enjoyed by all of us, but especially Alec. He even took pictures of the nuggets and sauce!


  1. I live in Malaysia, too, and was quite excited when this came up on Google. I was hoping you were revealing a Malaysian location of Chik-fil-a. Alas, that is not the case. Anyways, I am now off to search for a copycat recipe.

  2. There is a Chick-fil-a in KL Sentral station.
