May you grasp how wide, how long, how high, how deep, the love of Christ is. May you experience the love of Christ, though it is to great to truly understand. Then, you will be made complete with all the fullness of life and power that comes from God.

Tuesday, July 17, 2012


Well we FINALLY arrived on July 4th and there was no independence celebration here!  As the kids and I landed their anticipation grew.What this place we will call home for the next three years be like? Their first experience was when we stepped outside of the airport into the tropical heat. The humidity and heat combined was smothering. We all loaded in a van after our 23 hours in flight for a hour car ride to meet Tyler at THE PRINCE HOTEL. This would be our new home until we could find a house. Tyler awaited our arrival he had not seen the kids in over a month.
As of Friday July 13th,we have found a home and the waiting has been worth while we lost so many properties that we put offers on for one reason or another,but the building we ended up in was my favorite from the beginning.
                                                      THE PEARL
We are on the 13th floor and right in the City Center, so we can walk or taxi to almost everything.The only downfall is the girls will have to share a room,but as Mattie continues to remind us she will only be here for a year. This will definitely be a different style of living for us, but change is sometimes good to embrace!

                                   CHINA TOWN   CENTRAL MARKET
We spent this past Saturday walking around China Town and Central Market which has been opened since 1888, What a experience for all of us!
    We saw lots of Louis Vuitton, Beats, Coach, Nike and all the movies in theaters in the US we bought them for about $5 a DVD. I'm sure we will visit here again. On Monday the kids and I decided to visit the Aquarium it was a short walk from our hotel.

 We really had a good time trying to combat boredom,living in a hotel has been a challenge.
Well I think that is a pretty good update to what we have been up to on this side of the world.
I know the kids and Tyler would agree,We have no words to describe the way of life here compared to what we knew as our perfect little world in Katy,Tx. I can say that I am happy to be American and will never take for granted the small things I considered luxuries!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I thank God every morning for the life and opportunities he has given our family.                                                                          

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