May you grasp how wide, how long, how high, how deep, the love of Christ is. May you experience the love of Christ, though it is to great to truly understand. Then, you will be made complete with all the fullness of life and power that comes from God.

Monday, December 17, 2012


From the heat to the cold, From the Sand to the Snow! On our second day we experienced the indoor skiing in the Emirates Mall in Dubai.

Nora deep in thought !

You can see the Mall in the Background, The ski slope is built inside the Mall

Before leaving for dinner, Notice the long sleeves. Its been quite cool here in Dubai

A Pretty Tree Nora took a pic of


Sunday, December 16, 2012


The kids got out on Thursday for their semester break. We had planned to travel for 3 weeks. Our first stop is DUBAI. We have a few Must Do's on our list and they included Dune Bashing, Sand boarding, and to ride a camel. Here are a few pics from our first day.

Here's Our SUV going thru the Dunes

Here's Mattie and I, We asked to be let out after 10 minutes it was to rough

Here we are on the Camels, Mattie decided she would pass on this ride!

I think Tyler was pretending this was a Bull ride, HA!

The kids also were able to ride four wheelers thru the dunes

On our way back into the city from the desert I was able to snap a picture of the Burj Khalifa. This is the tallest man made structure in the world. It is 2,722 feet tall. It cost a estimated 1.5 billion to build.


Sunday, December 2, 2012

Alec Rugby

These are a few pictures of a Rugby game Alec played in over the weekend. He is wearing #9.

 In picture below Alec has white shoes and undershorts.


When you walk through the Fires of Adversity you will not be Burned - ISAIAH 43:2

The above scripture I picked during my end of the year Oasis Bible Study Celebration.
Oasis is a bible study made up of about 40 amazing women. When I first moved here one of the first ladies I met was Faye Harris, she is from Lafayette so we had something in common from the start. She invited me to come to a bible study she belonged to. I sort of hesitated but decieded to give it a try. I was having a very difficult time adjusting and so were the kids so I needed a outside support system. What a wonderful group to be a part of, We are all from different countries and cultures and our faith has brought us together every Thursday morning. Thank you God for sending me to this group!