May you grasp how wide, how long, how high, how deep, the love of Christ is. May you experience the love of Christ, though it is to great to truly understand. Then, you will be made complete with all the fullness of life and power that comes from God.

Thursday, November 22, 2012


This is our first Thanksgiving as Expats,we have now been in Malaysia for about 6 months.
Gosh time flys! Not really. As I reflect today I have so many things to be thankful for my health, my husband, my children, my family, and how comfortable my life is. I believe that many peoples view from the outside is that an Expat life is Glamorous. Living in a great house, having a full time maid, having a full time driver, and getting to travel.Well having lived this life for only 6 months I am here to tell you that none of this replaces the family you are living without.
I have mentioned in many other blogs that this place has humbled me and I am told by other expat wives daily that this is one of the better places to be posted. I am humbled by the people and what is important to them. Poverty has taken on a new meaning to me. As a American I thought I knew what poverty was, I did not. I am thankful that Alec and Nora were able to both travel on Global Awareness Trips with their classes for a week. While on their trips to Nepal and Sumatra they witnessed first hand the living conditions of people in different countries. They participated in building a wall with rocks that protects the children of the village as they walk to school. They also painted murals over graffiti. Each group provided new uniforms for the school children and brought them school supplies. What a memorable experience for them.

Here is Nora handing one of the children their new uniform.

Here's Alec teaching the children a song

As our Thanksgiving day comes to a end and our Families in the states begin their celebrations, We wish everyone a Happy Thanksgiving and send our Love!

We Love and Miss Y'all !

"In everything give thanks; for this is Gods will for you in Christ Jesus."
1 Thessalonians 5:18

Wednesday, November 14, 2012


Since we moved to Malaysia our Alec, Nora , and Mattie have asked numerous times to visit the Elephant sanctuary to ride the Elephants. We had a few friends tell us to wait til we visit Thailand to have this experience.  So upon arriving in Phuket, Thailand we booked our tour of the Elephant Sanctuary. These are memories I hope they never forget!

This was one of the views on our Elephant Trek

I was a little fearful and didn't want to get to close.

We did not realize we would get to see even more Elephants on the grounds of our resort. We stayed at the JW Marriott Resort which is absolutely beautiful! There were two baby elephants that could be found every morning roaming the hotel grounds. Alec is getting some love!

Nora about to get a kiss!

Getting a little cool off!

If Elephants weren't enough our last night we attended a show called " FANTASEA "and took pictures with a baby tiger!

Our last day was just Beautiful!

Monday, November 12, 2012


We arrived in PHUKET, THAILAND on Saturday and here is a quick recap of what we have seen so far, How Beautiful it is !

Our Arrival at the Resort

Our first views of the Beach

Below picture is of the ANDAMAN SEA with one of the islands in the background

The Grounds of Our Resort at night

Our Chef Smiling


Our First stop Monkey Island

First stop we made and were able to swim

This is a view from the beach where Leonardo DiCaprio filmed the movie THE BEACH

We stopped for lunch on Bamboo Island

Long Boats we saw all over that were fishing

The Islands in the background as we head back to the marina after a amazing day