May you grasp how wide, how long, how high, how deep, the love of Christ is. May you experience the love of Christ, though it is to great to truly understand. Then, you will be made complete with all the fullness of life and power that comes from God.

Saturday, October 27, 2012


          How Awe - inspiring this place is ! This is nothing less than a House of God; this is the gate of Heaven ! (Genesis 28:17 )

 SAINT ANTHONY'S CHURCH was established in 1911 and has just celebrated their 100 year Jubilee. We have tried a few Catholic Churches since our arrival in July and this is the one we have chosen. There is one English mass and it is on Sunday morning at 9:30 am. The churches here are open air, and early in the morning there is usually a small breeze (maybe). As Expats we are so spoiled to the simple things we see as a way of life that many people in this world have always lived without.


This is the sign in front of the church,if you look close it is done in all different languages.

In 1911 Fr. Francois Le Mahec was appointed as priest in charge of the Indians in Kuala Lumpur.He saw a urgent need to have a church for the Indians,because of the increasing number of the Indian Catholic population.The present land which the church stands on was acquired in 1909, and in 1913 Bishop Emile Barillon blessed the foundation stone of the church. It was dedicated to Saint Anthony of Padau.Today Fr. Terrance Thomas is the parish priest.

 We have felt a since of welcome here the people are very friendly! Its sort of like stepping back in time. No air-con (this is what it is called here), Birds flying thru the church during mass, and something that I noticed immediately is no one walks on the altar with shoes everyone is barefoot. Their devotion to God is something that is so sacred. I think about masses I have attended at churches in the states where there is talking, cell phones ringing, people looking at their watches, in a hurry to cut short the one hour a week they may give to God! This humble little church is just another way God has touched our hearts since we have been here.

Thursday, October 4, 2012


Nora celebrated her SWEET SIXTEEN on September 29th. I am so proud of the young lady she has turned into. We did some special things to celebrate her big day. Her day started with a massage which she enjoyed. A week earlier she sent us  her power point presentation of Birthday gifts she wanted, she gives Tyler and I this every year. Needless to say she is a little spoiled.  We went to dinner that evening ,and she was given a few of her choice gifts.
Our balcony view from our condo

Wednesday, October 3, 2012


The Vatican was unbelievable. We were lucky that we were able to visit it twice. Once the first day with our tour guide and with Tyler on our last day. Our tour the first day began at the Vatican Museum.The Museum contained lots of Artwork, Mosaics, and Tapestry. At The end of the Museum was the Sistine Chapel which we could not take pictures of. It was very small, I imagined it to be very large , but it was not.

As we entered Saint Peters Basilica it was breathtaking. Everything is massive.

The  Pieta which is one of Michelangelo's famous sculptures which is know kept behind glass because in 1972 it was damaged.

This is the statue of Saint Peter, Pilgrims who come traditionally touch or kiss the feet of the statue.
Saint Peter is holding the keys to heaven, pilgrims pray to him that he will open the keys to heaven.

Nora,Mattie, and Alec standing in front of the Basilica in Vatican Square. The Last Day we were in Rome we woke up early that morning so we could be at Saint Peters Basilica when the doors opened which was at 730am. Tyler had not yet seen Vatican Square and with just a few hours til we flew out it was a must see. When we arrived we followed a line of people not knowing that we were about to be taken up to the dome on Saint Peters Basilica. After a short elevator ride we still climbed 315 steps to get to the top. What a great treat! The views were breathtaking.

These were taken inside the Dome.

This is the inside of the Dome, Isn't it Beautiful!

From the top of the Basilica, Look at the view it was Breathtaking!